Kindermusik in schools, preschools and nurseries
Schools, preschools and nurseries can benefit from the delights of a Kindermusik class too! Kindermusik with Sarah can provide music and movement classes in your early years setting. We provide a great curriculum delivered by an experienced educator in a class group setting combined with access to our wonderful home materials for all students participating – a great offering for schools, children and parents.
Get in touch today to find out more about what we can provide for your setting.
Kindermusik with Sarah
Music & movement classes for newborns, babies, toddlers, pre-school & school children, based in Reading, Berkshire UK.
© 2022 Kindermusik with Sarah
Kindermusik with Sarah is an Accredited Kindermusik studio providing the Kindermusik curriculum to babies, toddlers, preschool and school-aged children. To find out more about the Kindermusik curriculum, visit